We are thrilled to welcome our first cohort of Badger students to MRTUD, all starting their PhD program in the Department of Medical Physics. Anthony Lazos joins us from the University of California, Santa Cruz, …
Welcome John!
MRTUD is excited to welcome our newest member of the group, John Christensen. John will be building much of the software infrastructure that is used to design our next-generation MR technology. We are so glad …
Welcome Guru!!
We are excited to have been able to recruit Guru Krishnamoorthy, PhD, as our newest scientist. Guru has a extensive background in pulse sequence programming and image reconstruction, and has spent several years working in …
UW-Madison and GE have new 10-year agreement
Website Launch!
We are excited to launch the website for the Magnetic Resonance Technology and Use Design (MRTUD) group. (Insider’s tip – this is pronounced like “MR2D”). We are hiring, and hope you will consider joining our …